Education & Training - Strategy and New challenges

The latest report of the European Commission DG EAC on the Lisbon objectives 2010, most of parameters fixed for 2010 are not going to be met despite of general achievements in education and training in the EU. As far as alphabetization is concerned, there is actually a sort of a standstill. Following the latest report of the Lisbon progress, the rate of low skills in Europe is too high: 80 millions are formally low skilled. Necessity to make education and training systems more attractive, a EU priority.

The Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education & Training – ET 2020 (launched in May 2009) fixes new benchmarks (i.e: by 2020), the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10 %; low-achievers in reading, math, science (15 years old) <15%) and long terms objectives:

  1. Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality
  2. Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training
  3. Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship
  4. Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.

To know more: Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education & Training – ET 2020
(launched in May 2009)