Junta de Andalucia
According to Decree 174/2009, May 19th, the General Directorate is responsible of the planning and follow-up of Community Social Services, the development and implementation of the necessary policies to overcome social exclusion and the assistance to drug addictions and the coordination of those actions carried out in this area in Andalusia.
Specifically, it develops the following functions:
- The development and follow-up of Community Social Services
- The elaboration and supervision of policies for social inclusion in Andalusia
- The coordination and execution of interventions in Areas in Need of Social Transformation
- The follow-up and coordination of Funds and Programmes of Community Social Action of the European Union
- The management of actions related to social policies addressed to Roma Community in Andalusia
- The assistance to returnees and seasonal workers and their families.
- The coordination of the Programme of Solidarity for the eradication of marginality and inequality in Andalusia
- The promotion of associationism and social volunteering in Andalusia
- The promotion and social integration of immigrants residing in Andalusian territory
- The elaboration and directorship of Andalusian Plan about Drugs and Addictions
- The coordination of the actions in the field of drugs and addictions, and the development of specific programmes for prevention, assistance and social re-insertion
- The authorisation of Care Centres for drug dependents
- The promotion of associationism of relatives and affected by drugs and other addictions
The General Directorate for Social Services and Assistance to Drugs Addictions is responsible for:
- Organising 2 working groups in Spain (June 2010 and February 2011)with representatives of each partner
- Being actively involved in the Work Package 2
- Being in charge of the Work Package 4
- Contributing to the project results dissemination. Actively contributing to the Work Package 8 and Work Package 6: collection of data end material for the website
- Carrying out the pilot experimentation in Andalucia (Work Package 3): creation of a local team (with the theatre group Atalaya-TNT). Selection of the 20 young people NEETs, experimentation and monitoring
- Organising the Spanish Musical Theatre Show to be developed during the implementation (Work Package 7). Participating to the Final Show in Liverpool and joining all meetings of the project
Website: http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/